This Thing Forever Seems To Last Forever

After playing our gig in Plymouth last weekend it's become apparent to me that there is still a healthy need for live music at a local level. Ok, not so much healthy, the majority of these teenagers were tipsy to say the least, and comfortably below the legal age. This must have been what the now legendary social commentators Hard Fi were referring to when they sang that little ditty about living for the weekend.

I dont want to sound like a grumpy guts but "when I was their age" I cant remember being that loud and confident (police had to intervene at one point between a couple of over zealous lads). Usually the threat of my dad coming to pick me up was enough! Ok, so alcohol was a constant feature at local gigs (for some without it would be like how I felt seeing Newcastle without Given this past week) but I suppose it had less of an obvious effect (people would have moshed regardless of how many bottles of irn bru vodka they had consumed). All in all though, this gig will stick long in the memory a good turn out and an over excited crowd for what should of been abit of a rusty performance. Kinda like the recent TV series 'Tough Gig', where comedians were required to do stand up at places out of their comfort zone, only without the protection of a camera crew.

(Picture = Typical Candidates crowd)



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